Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Parametric Modeling in Architecture United States Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel Project 2

Project 2

In this Phase, First, we will use Python to make the structure on an arbitrary curve. In the next step, we will use Galapagos to optimize the structure in an imaginary form, defined by two curves.

Below is the entire grasshopper file that because of a python code, has much fewer components than the phase I.

A curve, angle and the ratio between width and height are the inputs, while different sets of lists and their length are the outputs.

Here is a closer look to the python code.

The input curve could be divided with two different methods.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Parametric Modeling in Architecture
United States Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel

Project 1
In this post, I'll go through remodeling a folding structure in Colorado.
The architectural documents were retrieved from http://www.greatbuildings.com/

I tried to use the origami technique to create the model. The final result, however, was not precise and satisfying.

So, I used data structure and symmetrical feature of the structure to make the 3d model.

I start with a point and a rectangular grid.

The main Structure is sloped and symmetrical. Therefore, the easiest way to remodel it is to find the proper planes to mirror every part.

The only challenge in this step would be the depth of the structure and the vertical mirror plane. 

To avoid any gap in the structure. we need to project the third point of the triangular surface on the vertical axis, so the structure will be adapted to any angle.

So far so good! It is all about data structure and symmetrical planes.
The next step would be modeling the structure. We need to offset the surfaces and use the new edges, divide them and connect the points and finally, using the pipe feature to make the structure.

After making a parametric foundation and site, we will jump into Kangaroo for applying the wind effect on the opening panels.

I'll start paneling the opening surfaces with "Lunch Box". Then using force in the Z and Y direction, I simulate the gravity and wind effect in Kangaroo.

Here is the result:

I hope you've enjoyed and thanks for following.
Good luck and Gig 'em !

Monday, November 27, 2017

Project 2

In this phase, I intended to utilize Dynamo to populate panels on the surface. An adaptive component was used as a pattern based unit and deviation of panels controlled the color of each panel. Here are more details about the second phase of the project:

First, it was tried to import surfaces into Dynamo and divide them by using iso curves; extracting point and rearrange them in point groups to make the panels.

It gets so messy and complicated while you are supposed to rearrange in four points groups.

So, I used LunchBox , Quad grid by face to make an arrangement of the points in a very easier way.

Here is inside the LunchBox and its Python script: 

Here is how we control the family parameters of the pattern base family in Dynamo. "r2" is the radius of structural trusses and "H" is the height of the panel.

A gradient color was used to show the deviation of panels. 

Monday, October 30, 2017

Parametric design project with Revit Architecture_ BIM-SIM Arch 653

Project 1

This is an attempt to use Autodesk Revit to model a complicated form in a parametric way. Heydar Aliyev Center, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, in Baku Azerbaijan, was selected as a  case study. the normal method for modeling these sort of forms is obviously NURBS modeling or other flexible methods. But, this is really a challenging experience.

The Heydar Aliyev Center is a 57,500 m2 (619,000 sq ft) building complex in Baku, Azerbaijan designed by Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid and noted for its distinctive architecture and flowing, a curved style that eschews sharp angles. The center is named after Heydar Aliyev, the first secretary of Soviet Azerbaijan from 1969 to 1982, and president of Azerbaijan Republic from October 1993 to October 2003. (retrieved from Wikipedia, Oct 2017)

-Collect Building Information

All drawings and pictures were extracted from these two websites:

-Mass Modeling

Refer to the complexity of the form, mass modeling was started through creating different curves from West to East.
Here is the process of mass modeling based on lateral views and elevations in Revit.

Controlling the curves in different views:

Using "Create Form" command to create the conceptual mass:

-Parametric Mass 

Based on the characteristic of the form, it was not easy to make the mass into a parametrically-controlled mass. The East entrance was chosen to be parametrically-controlled.

To avoid deformation in the mass, a restriction formula was devised to control the location and the height of the entrance:

-Parametric Envelope

Heydar Aliyev Center has unique surfaces that freely fly in the space. Making a parametric structure and envelope was fulfilled through "Generic Model pattern based" family. All parts of the family were flexibly designed in order to match with the irregular geometry of the mass.

Here is the abstract result:

The pattern can evolve into a 2-sided pattern and materials, the thickness of the structure and height of the module could be modified through its parameters :

Here are the family type parameters:

The final outcome and renders are as follows :

(Note: because of the surfaces complexity, the number of U-V grids should increase in order to have smooth surfaces. However, it can not be achieved without high processors)